Kristi Stevens, LMBT

Massage therapist treating a client.


"Make your own recovery the first priority in your life."
~Robin Norwood

Thank you for stopping by!  My name is Kristi Stevens (LMBT# 6662 )and I am excited to help you on your journey to health and well-being through therapeutic massage and bodywork.  All sessions are therapeutic in nature and will be customized to provide the most effective massage for your needs.  If you are new to world of massage therapy don't fret- you will be hooked and ready to schedule your next session before you leave the massage table! 

Let's set up your first session!
By Appointment ONLY- Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

*Please provide at least 1 day notice before scheduling your massage. This ensures a properly thought-out treatment plan. 

Thank you for your cooperation.  I look forward to working with you.

~Kristi Stevens
LMBT #6662
(910) 622-1388

***As always, please consult your physician before beginning any new bodywork therapy or conditioning program.  Providing a medical consent form is always appreciated, and ensures a safe, effective session.